Register online at
Registration will also take place in the HOTEL HOT SPRINGS Oct. 21 7:30am-3pm. The show will take place Oct. 22 inside the Hot Springs Convention Center in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
FRIDAY OCTOBER 21 - Poker/Scenic Road Tour. Vendors in the Hotel Hot Springs, National Park Parade. Meet and Greet and Fashion Show will take place at the Hotel Hot Springs.
OCTOBER 22 - Car staging inside the convention center 6:00am - 10:00am. Registration inside the convention center 7:00am-10:00am. Vendors in the convention center 8:00am- 2:00pm. Silent Auction and 50/50 Ticket Sales. Awards 2:00pm Oct. 22, 2022
Car Show registration is not open to host cars or CACC member cars.
Special Guests - *Ken Lingenfelter, Lingenfelter Engineering, Michigan *Mike and Laurie Yeager, Owner of Mid America Motorworks, Illinois, Corvette Hall of Fame. *Will and Liz Cooksey, Retired Corvette Plant Manager, Kentucky, Author, Corvette Hall of Fame
Show proceeds benefit charities CACC supports, Beyond Boundaries, Spina Bifida Support Group, Ronald McDonald House, Arkansas Freedom Fund.